Patios, Stairways And Iron Lace Balconies Of Old New Orleans (Photography of) (Ephemera)
Patios, Stairways And Iron Lace Balconies Of Old New Orleans (Photography of) (Ephemera)
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Delcroix, Eugene A. (Photos) and Arthur, Stanley Clisby (Introduction).
Patios, Stairways And Iron Lace Balconies Of Old New Orleans.
J.S.W. Harmanson, New Orleans, 1938. Second Printing.
Delcroix's B&W photos, (c1938), of New Orleans' Creole architecture and the Vieux Carre (the "Old Square") with descriptions. In English.
Paperback, 41 B&W photos, 93 pages, 11" x 8 1/4".
In Very Good condition with a few blemishes to cover and a book store stamp on first page.
SKU: E0117.
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